![]() | ¡Rábanos Radiactivos! #2106 |
Written by Fred Patten, and intended for Apa L, 2106th Distribution, LASFS Meeting No. 3554, September 22, 2005.
Golden State Colonial Convalescent Hospital, 10830 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood, California 91606-5098.
Telephone: hospital(818) 763-8247; personal (818) 506-3159 * eMail:fredpatten@earthlink.net
L.A.con IV in 2006! | Nippon 2007 in 2007! | Salamander Press #2589 |
Subject: Right Stuf Announces the Kimba Ultra Edition!
Date: September 13, 2005 4:04:22 PM PDT
To: right-stuf-press@lists.rightstuf.com
The Right Stuf International is proud to announce that on November 29, 2005, one of anime's first and brighteststars will be making his triumphant return: KIMBA: THE WHITE LION! First aired in 1965, KIMBA is knownworldwide as one of Osamu Tezuka's greatest masterpieces (along with Tezuka's crowning achievement, ASTROBOY). And now, in this 11-disc Limited Ultra Edition release, KIMBA: THE WHITE LION will look better than ever! With completely restored video, interviews with Fred Ladd, deleted scenes, the original Japanese pilot episodeand more, animation fans young and old will fall in love with the adventures of the original lion king!
Pre-book date: 11/01/2005 - Street date: 11/29/2005
Approximately 1345 minutes, Dolby Digital Stereo, Color.
Genre: Adventure
DVD (English)
Catalog#: RSDVD2012 Suggested Rating: ALL
ISBN: 1-57032-941-9
UPC#: 7-42617-2012-2-6
SRP: $129.99
This Special Limited Edition will include: all original 52 Kimba Episodes masterfully restored across 11 DVDs; aspecial "How Kimba Came to Be" booklet written by Fred Patten and Robin Leyden; the original JapaneseEpisode 1 (with English subtitles); an interview with Fred Ladd; deleted scenes; the textless English opening; theoriginal English closing; an original Character Art Gallery; a merchandise gallery; and character profiles. And to top it all off, the whole set will be released in a sturdy, high-quality, fully telescopic artbox!
I didn't know that this was going to be a $129.99 Ultra Collector's Limited Edition. My "How Kimba Came To Be" may finally get published at last, but unless it is possible to buy the booklet separately, it is not likely to get many readers.
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I was shocked - shocked! - to see last week that my page 3 was printed twice and page 4 was not printed at all. I hope that the missing page 4 will be in this week's dist'n.
I was also shocked to see that I misidentified the coming Firefly movie as Serendipity rather than as Serenity. I have to take the blame for that mistake myself.
My thanks to Vanessa Van Wagner for figuring out what my correct Salamander Press number should be. I am trusting that this is right, since I am unable to go back to my last issue of ˇRR! before my stroke to see what its number was, to count forward from it.
(This is the source of the numbers I applied to the earlier issues here. Kay)
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Michael Burlake took me to last week's LASFS meeting. We had to park at the curb on a side street because someone else had parked in the Alderson parking spot that Karl Lembke had donated to me for September. Lembke had no idea whose car it was. The meeting was relatively short and uneventful, although Larry Niven displayed his Heinlein Award trophy medallion. Burlake checked out the two Watt-Evans novels that I mentioned in last week's dist'n from the LASFS Library for me. I have just finished The Misenchanted Sword, and I enjoyed it very much. It is good sword & sorcery, not at all formulaic, with lots of surprises.
On Saturday, Rob Powell took me to the September C/FO meeting. Ed Ngai had finally finished a demo prototype of the C/FO's 25th Anniversary history CD-ROM (only three years overdue), and some old club photographs on it were shown. Archivist Gustav Baron promised to have a new batch of old club bulletins and other historical materials for him to add before the CD-ROM is considered finished. Michael Burlake brought me a dinner treat; a "Messy Marv" from Chili John's, which has just reopened after its annual two-month "gone fishing" Summer vacation. (For those worried about my diet since my stroke, it was not too hot for me.) This month's program was unusually boring; both Powell and I went to sleep during most of the three episodes of Chrono Crusade, and neither of us were interested in the feature, the second Gundam SEED theatrical feature, so we left early. Powell promised to take me to a free publicity screening for ASIFA-Hollywood members of Tim Burton's Corpse Bride next Wednesday evening, at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences' Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.
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-- Comments on Last Week's Distribution:
Vanamonde #643 - (Hertz) Major Hoople's hat looked like a fez to me, which I assume was meant to imply that he was a high muckety-muck in some fraternal organization like the Shriners, which were much more common in the 1920s & '30s when Our Boarding House started (see Laurel & Hardy's Sons of the Desert) than today; and that this was a visual hint to his personality: convivial, boastfully pompous and exhibitionistic. ## The individual "frames" of comic strips and comic books are called panels (hence the unsuccessful attempt by 1960s comics fans to dignify the study of old superhero comic books by calling the fandom "panellology"), so single-panel strips like Our Boarding House, The Far Side and Bizarro could be called comic panels.
I Plead Helpless Horrified Hard-Driveless - (Gold) I, too, had computer problems after the Sept. 12 power outage. My computer would no longer connect to the Internet. Vanessa Van Wagner kindly came to the hospital and spent about an hour on the telephone with EarthLink Tech Support getting talked through reestablishing whatever the outage had disconnected in my computer. ## Thanks for the correction on Belle Rêve Estates. That is an ingroup reference too obscure to find without a copy of Gladiator-at-Law available to check the text. (My computer does not seem to be able to type the ^ as an accent mark above other letters.)
Godzillla Verses #54 - (DeChancie) The one issue of Star Science Fiction magazine was a true digest-format magazine, but graphically it looked just like the paperbacks, with the same type of cover by Richard Powers and the same type of contents edited by Frederik Pohl. Collectors of the Star Science Fiction series should definitely include the magazine with the paperbacks, even if the different format makes shelving them together difficult. ## September means "seventh month" although it is the ninth month; one of the best examples of why governments should not meddle with tradition. (The Roman Senate added July and August to the calendar, making twelve months instead of ten and rendering inaccurate the names of "seventh month", "eighth month", "ninth month" and "tenth month".) ## There are fans (and mundanes) living in Las Vegas' suburb of Henderson who say it has the advantages of a "normal" American city without the drawbacks of the very nearby gambling metropolis. ## I wish that I had access to a book that I remember from the UCLA Library when I was a student there in the late 1950s. It was one of the first books printed in (or about; probably in) California in the early 1850s by the new Anglo-dominated state government. It had a map of California that included most of the Western half of Nevada. Apparently the Spanish/Mexican border between Alta California and Nevada was vague enough that 1850s California attempted a land-grab of Western Nevada that the U.S. federal government would not let it get away with. If it had been successful, you would still be in California in Pahrump.
Nothing Could Be Fina #6 - (Rose) My sister in New York City sent me a tourist brochure from Grant's Tomb that confirms that both General and Mrs. Grant are interred there. ## I do not remember ever seeing 15¢ paperbacks. 25¢ was the standard price in 1952, when I started buying the Ace Double Books and the new Ballantine Original Novels. I know that there were paperbacks published during the late 1940s, but I never paid attention to their cover prices. ## Keith Laumer's early stories had some great deadpan sardonic humor. Unfortunately, in his later stories the humor grew unimaginatively heavy-handed and shrill.
Fish Out of Water #136 - (Helgesen) Saying that a Rolls-Royce is better than a worn out 1972 VW Beetle seems to me a risky generalization. Rolls-Royces are excellent cars, but is anyone sure that not a single one of them, out of the thousands that have been made over almost a hundred years, is worse than a worn-out 1972 VW Beetle? ## The earliest that I can remember that something made me feel old was when I realized that there were young LASFS members running for club offices who had not been born yet when the first Star Wars movie came out.
Long Time, No C #36 - (Zeff) If you are partially responsible for EarthLink, congratulations. I have been using EarthLink since I got my first computer in 1999, and I am generally happy with their service (although I am not really familiar with other servers' service to be able to say whether they are better or worse). Every so often somebody tells me that EarthLink is run by the Scientology organization. If true, there is certainly no hint of it on the EarthLink site. ## Have there been any professional displays at Worldcons yet on how the global Internet works, or does everyone assume that all fans are already completely knowledgeable about the subject? ## Comparing the number of Americans killed in Iraq with the number of annual traffic fatalities in America seems to be a favorite statistic cited by supporters of the U.S. overthrow of the Hussein regime to argue that criticism of the American military presence in Iraq is merely partisan Bush-bashing. ## In the sample you show of the current Annie comic strip, Sandy looks much more doglike friendly/slobbery than he did when Harold Gray drew him as a much more dignified canine, and there is something about Daddy Warbucks' nose that makes him look like a grown-up, bald Jughead from Archie comics. Annie looks several years older, but we all knew that from the publicity about the strip's modernization.
Vanamonde #644 - (Hertz) I will eagerly await your "Through the Eyes of Tim Kirk" in the September issue of Chronicle. I have just received the July issue, forwarded to me by Lee Gold, so I should get my copy in a couple of months. ## Your comments about "dumb blonde jokes" (with or without the hyphen) reminds me that "dumb blonde" seems to be the only phrase in common usage today in which the "e" is still retained when using "blonde" as a feminine modifier. Otherwise "blond" has come to be the standard spelling, whether referring to males or females. I just got through noticing that in all the Harry Turtledove novels that Tom Locke has been loaning me. ## I agree that Calvin and Hobbes is one of the few comic strips that merits constant reprinting. Considering how adamant Bill Watterson has been about not allowing merchandising of his strip in other respects, I am glad that he has approved of the collected reprint books. ## Maybe I should specify that my consumption of seven hot dogs at the Estrogen Zone meeting was of the meat alone; no buns or condiments.
Merrie Maladies #26 - (Castora) Associate with young kittens if you want to see cats that do not personify inertia. ## The website that has the report about the 2004 public safety film about Louisiana's levees starring Mr. Bill includes a weblink to the actual film, I think. (I did not check out the link myself since it takes my computer so long to download films.)
De Jueves #1444 - (Moffatt) A young Robert Goulet appearing on the Canadian version of Howdy Doody does not seem any more croggleable than a young Leonard Nimoy appearing in Zombies of the Stratosphere. ## No, the San Andreas Fault is not likely to let go along its entire length at the same time. But it underlies or is close to so many major urban areas that even a limited letting go could result in a major disaster. ## When CLJII showed the 1936 movie Earthworm Tractors at the LASFS, set in what was clearly supposed to be a contemporary small town, I commented on how it was an inadvertent documentation of how prevalent horse-drawn transportation still was in America outside of the major cities as late as the '30s. Horse-drawn wagons were gone from Los Angeles by my childhood in the 1940s.
Oh, All Right!!! - (Lembke) I have seen reports of Phoenix-Tucson fan rivalry, and that Phoenix fans do not attend Tucson's Tuscons. From what you say, Phoenix fandom is much more insular than just that. Do Tucson fans attend Phoenix's conventions? ## If all knowledge is contained in fanzines, then I suppose there is justification for your publishing the entire draft of the new Iraqi constitution. Otherwise, what you have here about it is more than enough.